Friday, April 18, 2008


Well - can I just say it once more for the last time. As the
commissioner of this league, I miss the old TQ site. Yes, CBS Sportsline is probably better as an owner, with all the bells and
whistles it offers for looking up stuff. But for the commish, it just plain sucks. It's like the guys who cooked up the site said - just how much of a pain in the ass can we make this thing, especially when they have to set up the teams at the beginning of the season. I don't think you could even fathom the countless number of hours I wasted trying to get all the rosters set for the season.
Now I'm pretty handy with the old computer but it made me wish I had some serious computer hacking skills. If I possessed such skills I'd bust in and fix it so it be a little easier. So it got me to thinking - if I could hire anybody I wanted to be the official league computer hacker/expert to fix the site - who would it be.
Thus brings us to our first of many
TOP 5 LISTS. So, here's my official ...



Played by Chad Lowe (who went on to bigger things like marrying Hilliary Swank,
getting seen on camera crying when she won the Oscar and then was promptly left out of her acceptance speech), this guy was so badass he didn't get a name - just computer hacker. When Nick De Angelo (played by real life brother Rob Lowe) wanted to get into Oxford to pursue Lady Victoria Wingate, he turns to this guy. With a few keystrokes, he changes Nick's grades giving him the goods to get into the prestigious University. He even offers to make him top of the class, but Nick says "just make me 3rd...I don't want it to be too fishy.

Pros: Nick never came off like any kind Rocket Scientist. I mean it seemed like despite the fact he was attending an ivy league university, all he did was start some shit, drink beer and kick ass on the crew team. The fact that nobody even blinked an eye that this pretty boy dumb ass got into this school means this guy must do some really good work.

Cons: He was only in one scene in the movie. Not really much of a body of work to look at

Final Grad: B-


Along with his turn as Wyatt's a-hole brother Chet in "Weird Science", it's the role that catapulted Bill Paxton into movie geek history. Remembered more for the classic lines like "Game Over Man" and 'Well why do you put her in charge", what most people forget is how kick ass Hudson was at hacking into computer system with nothing more than a military issued PDA and a few clip on miniature jumper cables.

Pros: Talk about a guy that can keep his mind on his work when he
wants too. I mean all hell is breaking loose around him and this dude is opening electronic doors that are sealed with one hand and firing his pulse rifle with the other. If I ever wanted to hack CBS and blow up some shit, he's my man.

Cons: Well, despite that glowing review he does have a few negatives.
(a) When the chips are down, this is a guy who really lets you hear about it. I mean he
's a total whiner. Enough that Ripley had to tell him that she had enough of his bullshit
(b) Despite being able to read schematics better than anybody, he kind of overlooked a major point when he ignored the ducts above them when fortifying their defenses. Which leads us to
(c) He bought it in the movie. But I'm not holding against him. I mean they had hardly any ammo left, the Aliens we some bad muthafuckas and they were outnumbered like 750 to 1. Plus, he sacrified himself so Ripley, Hicks and Newt could get out.

Final Grade: B


Not the biggest role of Greg Germann's career (this dude got to make out with Lucy Liu for a few seasons on "Ally McBeal") but in my eyes, it's his most memorable. When Jack Ryan (Han Solo/Indiana Jones himself Harrison Ford) needs to break into Ritter's (the always brilliant Henry Czerny) computer in hopes of finding out what the hell Operation: Reciprocity is all about, he calls on Petey. The CIA's young computer expert had already cracked Harden's computer password in less than 5 minutes using combination of Birthday months, years and dates of everybody in his family.

Pros: Let me set something straight. When I mentioned he hacked Ritter's computer, I kind of understated what was going on here.
(a) Jack was able to read every every single file while Ritter was just a room over deleting files
(b) We're not talking some dimestore PC here. Ritter was the
Deputy Director of Intelligence for the Fuckin' CIA. That's some serious hacking.

Cons: Well, much like Hudson, he forgets a pretty big detail, neglecting to tell Jack that he should wait until Ritter is logged off to start fishing around, or he'll get busted. That's exactly what happens causing Ryan to use the lame distraction line "So...do you play Tennis". Not to mention, Petey seems waaaaaaay to into writing the new program to begin with. Total Geek. But hey, that's what we need.

Final Grade: B+



He may have just started off as guy getting paid to help Tom Cruise's Ethan Hunt when he was desperate, but Luther (Ving Rhames) ends up becoming Hunt's closest and most trusted ally.

Pros: Throughout the series we see him decode the CIA's NOC list, hack the CIA's mainframe to set off the fire alarms, keep Max from downloading the NOC list - which keeps the identities of all the agents safe, constantly shutting off security systems of places they sneak into, creating those awesome mask and programing the voice chips that allow Ethan to become whomever he needs to, decoding Lindey's miocrodot sent to Ethan despite how old the tech is and proving he's a video game champ by simuletaneously handling the controls of 4 robotic heavy machine guns. Not to mention he pumps off a few rounds with a shotgun from a helicopter during the 2nd movie.

Cons: Well by the time MI: III rolls around, he's more into regular field work than sitting behind a laptop so he could be rusty. Plus, he was a disavowed agent at the beginning of the 1st movie for hacking into NATO's communication system. Can we trust him? I think this exchange from the 3rd film sums it up best.

Ethan: Thanks for coming.

Luther: It's my Job

That's good enough in my book!

Grade: A-


It's every teenagers fantasy. Try to get a look at the hotest video games from
the Protovision company and "Poof" you accidentally start World War III. Hey I don't care lax the security was back in the early 80's. If you can hack your way into the National Defense System, you gotta come in and interview for this position.

Pros: Besides almost making our entire nation grow a bright shade of orange and green, David (played by Ferris himself Mathtew Broderick) pulls off some serious computer espionage despite having to deal with Modems that actually require a big rotary phone connected to them and floppy discs the size of manhole covers. He gets detention just so he can get the password so he can hack into the school's computer and change his and Jennifer's (Ally Sheedy) grades so they don't go to summer school, hacks a pay-phone to make a long distance call when he has no money and uses a pair of scissors, some cables and a tape recorder to unlock a electronic door so he can escape the NORAD underground military installation. Not to mention the fact that, despite a shitty high school education, he's the only one in room full of PHD's and Army Generals smart to figure out that the only way to save the country is to tell Joshua to play Tic-Tac-Toe

Cons: Did I mention that this son of a bitch almost caused World War III? That's the kind of thing that follows you around on a job interview.

HR Representative: So ... David ... why did you leave your last place of employment?

David: Well.. see... I accidentally almost started World War III

HR Representative: (Pauses) .... ummm... (forces smile) We'll keep you on file.

(Security tosses him from the building)

In the end he did save the day, bringing us peace and happiness so he's got that going for him. Plus, despite wearing pleated pants
and badly striped Izod shirts, he manages to hook up with Ally Sheedy. That before she lost her spunky 80's cuteness and became somebody you might see at hanging out and smoking too much at the seedy bar of a local bowling alley in Mastic Beach on a Tuesday night. So, despite all these setbacks, Lightman is the man.

Grade: A


Okay - let me set the record straight. Chewbacca is one tough muthafucka. Lando Calrissian is the smoothest mutha this side of Cloud City. Han Solo is the coolest pimp daddy in the galaxy. And though he starts of a bit whiny bitch, by the time "Return of the Jedi" rolls around, Luke Skywalker is one bad ass mutha you do not want to mess with (just look at him the wrong way and you'll end up with a lightsaber up your ass). That said, and no disrespect to all my fictional heroes, but R2 is the fuckin' man. All he needs is an electrical socket and the little dude can do just about anything.

Pros: Sit down and watch any of the Star Wars movies and you'll come to one conclusion. Mostly by flashing some serious hacking skills, R2 basically saves the day in every movie. Want a quick list? He stops the trash compactor from making everybody "all a lot thinner", he opens the door so they can escape Cloud City while telling an exhaust vent to give them some cover, he fixes the Millenium Falcon's Hyperdrive in 3 seconds (after everybody spent weeks trying figure
out what the fuck was wrong earlier in the movie), he saves Padme from getting 8 gallons of Lava dumped on her, and fixes the Queens ship while out on the hull as their in space when making a gettaway just to name a few. Not to mention the times he didn't hack a computer to save their dumb asses like smuggling Luke's lightsaber into Jabba's Palace like a drug mule or taking one for the team by sticking his big round dome up to take a shot in the head so Luke could blow up the Death Star. And all the while, he's got that pain in the ass C3PO yapping in his ear. Is there no end to his madskills?

Cons: Cons? There are no cons. I mean if you're nitpicking the only bad thing you bring up from his
body of work is one scene in "Return of the Jedi". He doesn't get the bunker door open, making Han Solo resort to the goofy "Hey I'll put a helmet on and trick them to open the door" plan. Now is this failure due to laziness or an inability to hack the computer? No...he gets shot! Taken down Stormtrooper Gangasta Style in what could be classified as an intergalactic drive-by shooting. And personally...I'm laying the blame on Han. The guy was using my main man as a shield. You know what.... R2 has no faults. He's the man.

Grade: A+

So R2 - how about you come work for us? We offer no money, no bene
fits and the hours suck. What do you say buddy?


And now it's time for our new weekly segment


2 OWNERS.....








You know, before I started writing this - I asked Alan to send me a photo of him and Ben. Then I remembered that, due to his Music, Alan's photo is probably on the net. Sure enough - BOOM - this came up on the 1st page of searches. That's pretty cool. You wanna see what comes up on the image search for Charles Garnar.


Who the hell are these people?

I gotta get Facebook or something

At least it wasn't a big fat guy.

Anyway, I'm not sure who it was, but one of our new owners asked when coming into the league ... 'Is it an active league...You know....one where they make a lot of trades?". The answer was "Oh yes ... especially this one owner...who's son also has a team....they tend to make a move or two.....EVERY HOUR!". Anyone who thought our new open bidding system was gonna slow down the Dynamic Duo of Deals was sadly mistaken. So, not even in to 2 weeks of our season and here is the recap.

(1) Alan and Ben pulled off a trade - within 24 hours of the draft involving - Michael "The" Bourn "Identity" as well as both putting 2009 draft picks. Mind you
(a) Ben was on a plane and had his dad draft his team and
(b) Most of us were still trying to figure out who the hell we just took in the 2008 minor league draft ("Who did I take .... I thought he was dead!".)

(2) Alan picks Ben's injury replacements...which Ben then changes.

(3) Week 1 - Alan dumps Mark Buerhle (seen here smooching manager Ozzie Guillen - WTF!!??!!)

(4) Week 2 - Alan then claims Mark Buerhle off waivers (no truth to the rumor than Buerhle smooched Alan when he was back on the team).

Ben has also dumped or tried to dump a few players as well though there is no evidence that he will attempt to claim them back off waivers this upcoming week.

So here's my big question. Just when did this trade go down between father and son? Dinner that night? Oh no! Sources close to the commissioner's office say that a 4-thousand dollar phone call was placed via air-phone to finalize this deal within 5 minutes after I hit the can and left Alan's house draft day. Actually, now that I think about it ... I drank alot of Grape Juice that day. I think this deal went down while I was in the bathroom. Who'd have thunk while I was trying not to get any urine on the floor and deciding which were the guest towels and which were not - a deal of mega proportions was underway. Had I just zipped up a little faster, I would have been there to witness the fastest trade in the Willie Randolph Memorial League History.

So ... What's in store next week for the Family that Will NOT STAND PAT??!!




Thursday, April 17, 2008

MOVES: DRAFT DAY, WEEK 4/8, 4/15, 4/22 & 4/29

So from here on in, I'll be listing all the moves each week as well as how much money we all have left in our free agent budgets on here. This blog is gonna have every move so far - followed by how much moohlah you all have left. I'll always start the Moves Blog and Money Blog with the following pics so you'll be able to find them in a hurry if you need to as this page grows and grows.

For moves there will be this picture of Willie. (He looks pissed! WTF is his problem?!?)

For money updates - you'll see symbol. Pretty easy enough. Money = big ass dollar sign. For those confused by this, please refer to your 2nd grade teacher who probably went over such things.

Okay - so we have a lot of moves to go over - so let's get it on!

Draft Day Pickups

(1) Drew (Putzs)

- Sign Edinson Volquez (P CIN) – Reserve John "Otis was Lex Luthor's" Lackey

(2) Ben (Runs)

- Sign Moises Alou – Reserve Franklin Guitierez

- Sign "Touched by an" Angel Pagan – Reserve Jerry Owens

- Sign Edwin Jackson "5" – Reserve "Vote for" Pedro Martinez

- Sign Livian Hernandez – Reserve Scott Kazmir

- Sign Randy "Hungry like the" Wolf – Reserve J.J. Putz

(3) Chris (Kings)

- Sign Hideki Okajima – Reserve Chad Codero

- Sign Mike Pelfrey - Reserve Jason "About" Schmidt

(4) John Morgan (Megas)

- Sign Eugenio Velez – Reserve Kaz Matsui

(5) Bob D.(Wheels and Deals)

- Sign Garret Anderson – Reserve Curtis Granderson

- Sign Manny Parra "chute" – Reserve Francisco Liriano

- Sign Justin Duchschererwhatshisface – Reserve Chris "Jesus was a hell of a" Carpenter

(6) Alan (Juicers)

- Sign Dana Eveland – Reserve Joel Zumaya

- Sign Justin Germano – Reserve Rich Hill "Street Blues"

(7) John Marshall (Colas)

- Sign Kyle Loshe (P STL) - Reserve Chuck James

(8) Duke (Amazins)

- Sign Rafael Betan"The Peoples"court - Reserve Yovani (NFN!!!)* Gallardo

* - For the Rookies - NFN = Nice Fuckin' Name!!

(9) Bill (Pioneers)

- Sign Jonathan Sanchez – Reserve Brad "A" Lidge "Too Far"

(10) Mike (4Peters)

- Sign Carlos "Sterling" Silva – Reserve John Smoltz

- Sign Ben Broussard - Reserve Jeremy Hermidia

(11) Bobby K. (Masterbats)

- Sign Cliff "Pink" Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon"– Reserve Michael Cuddyer

(12 ) Charles (Shawshank)

- Sign Tom "Flash" Gordon (FLASH ... AHHH-AHHHH!) – Reserve B.J. "and the Bear" Ryan

MOVES FOR WEEK 1 - 4/8/08

(1) Bill (Pioneers)

- Activate Brad "The" Lidge "on the River Kwai" – Waive Jonathan Sanchez

(2) Mike (4 Peters)

- Activate John Smoltz – Waive Carlos Silva

(3) Bobby K (Masterbats)

- Bid 0.50 Carlos Quentin – Reserve Cliff Floyd

(4) Rick (Flying Dutchmen)

- Bid 0.50 on Dave Riske "It's the Game of Global Domination" – Waive Jason Jennings

(5) Charles (Shawshank)

- Sign Jeff Mathis for 0.50 – Reserve Dioneer (NFN!!!) Navarro

- Sign Gabe Kapler (not to be confused with Gabe Kaplan of "Mr. Kotter" fame) for 0.50 – Reserve Shelly Duncan

(6) Ben (Runs)

- Bid 0.50 on Gerald Laird - Waved Yorvit (NFN!) Torreabla

Alan (Juice)

- Bid 0.50 on Heath "Saved by the" Bell – Waive Mark Beuhrle

(8) Juice send Michael "The" Bourne Supremacy" and their 2009 1st Round Pick to the Runs for Travis Hafner, Wladmir (Nice Spelling) Balentien and their 2009 2nd Round Pick

MOVES FOR WEEK 2 - 4/15/08

(1) 4 Peters

- Activate Jeremy Hermidia (sounds so much like "clyamida") - Reserve Shane Victorino

(2) Rod Soccer Locker Balls

- Bid 0.50 on Ross Gload - Reserve Mikey Lowell

-Bid 0.50 on Mark Hendrickson - Reserve Kevin Slowey

(3) Wheels

- Bid 0.50 on Kurt Suzuki - Waive Carlos Ruiz

- Bid 1.50 on Pete Moylan - Reserve Justin DuchscherererererererererER

(4) The Dutch Peeps

- Bid 1.00 on Manny Acosta - Reserve Matt Garza

(5) Cola's

- Promote Jeff Neimann "and Marcus" - Waive Jeremy "Bond...James" Bonderman
(Buy out Bonderman Contract)

(6) Kings

- Bid 0.50 on Duaner (N.F.N) Sanchez - Reserve (okay returning owners - the player I've been waiting to hit the IR) Rich "Jessica Alba makes Mr. Fantastic and the Thing" Harden


(7) Juice

- Bid 1.00 on Jose Lopez - Waive Julio Lugo

- Claim Mark Buehrle ("Hey - Didn't you just waive me...wait I'm back...Woo Hoo...Give me a big wet Kiss") - Waive Dana Eveland

(8) Masterbaters

- Bid o.50 on Todd Wellemyer - Reserve Dontrelle Willis

(8) Runs

- Bid o.50 on Randy "There's something I want you to do for me Rocky..." Winn - Waive Franklin Guiterez

(9) 4 Peters

- Bid 2.00 on Randy Johnson - Waive Jon "Judy" Garland

MOVES FOR WEEK 2 - 4/22/08


- Bid 0.50 on Luke Scott – Reserve Alfonso Soriano

- Bid 0.80 on Bobby Crosby – Waive Gabe Kapler (Dude - Gabe "Kaplan" a.k.a. Mr. Kot-Ter had "THE" mustache/fro combo of the 70's television era - see right here -------------> )

(2) 4 Peters

- Bid 0.80 on Emil Brown – Waive Ben Broussard

(3) Wheels

- Activate Francisco Liriano - Reserve Peter Moylan

- Bid 0.50 on Scott Baker - Waive Manny Parra"trooper"

(4) MasterBats

- Claim Dana Eveland - Waive Boof (N.F.N!) Bonser

(5) Amazins

-Activate Yovani Gallardo - waive Nate "Peter Parkers Uncle is Cliff" Robertson


- Claim Julio Lugo - Reserve Howie Kendrick

- Bid 0.80 on Scott Olsen - Reserve Jeff Niemann

(7) Rod Lockers

- Bid 0.70 on Chad "Oww - I got kicked in the" Qualls –Reserve Joe Borowski

- Bid 0.50 on Skip Schumaker (WTF kind of name is this? This dudes parents watched waaaaay too much 50's TV - Is there a funnier name than this?) – Waive Coco Crisp (Oh wait - yes there is!)

(8) Hoboken Pioneers

- Bid 1.00 on Jose Batista - Waive Akinori Iwamura

(9) Dutch

- Bid: 0.50 on Jeff Keppinger – Reserve Jimmy Rollins

- Bid 0.50 on John Bowker – Waive Scott Hairston

- Bid 0.50 on John Danks – Waive Dave Riske "Business"

(10) Megas

- Activate Kaz Matsui - Waive Eugenio Velez

- Bid 0.50 on Gavin Floyd - Waive Jeremy Guthrie

(11) Putz

- Promote Ian Snell from the Minor Leagues - Reserve John Lackey

- Bid 0.50 on Felipe Lopez- Reserve Ty "Webb" Wiggington

(12) Juice

- Bid 2.50 on Joey Votto (Daa-Yam!) - Waive Jose Lopez

- Claim Carlos Silva – Waive Justin Germano

MOVES FOR WEEK 2 - 4/29/08

(1) Wheels n’ Deals- Activate Justin Duschshererereeawhat'shisface - Reserve Francisco Lirano

- Activate Curtis Granderson - Waive Felix "It's feels just like Warm Apple" Pie

(2) Masterbats

- Activate Michael Cuddyer – waive Cliff Floyd

- Bid 0.50 on Paul "Hey..get to the" Bako "of the line o" – Reserve Jorge Posada

- Claim Jose Lopez – Waive Chris Burke

(3) Flying Dutchman

- Bid 0.50 on Max Scherzer – Waive Mark "Swing"Lowe "Sweet Chariot"

- Bid 0.60 Mike Cameron – Waive John Bowker

(4) D.B. Putz

- Claim Eugenio Velez – Waive Joey Gathright

- Bid 2.10 on Jonathan Sanchez - Waive Jeremy Accardo

(5) Juice

- Bid 1.00 Fred Lewis – Waive Mark "Joe Torre drinks Bigelow Green" Teahan

- Bid .50 on Chad Gaudin - Waive Carlos "Hi-Yo" Silva

(6) Colas

- BID 4.20 (Sweet Fancy Moses!) on Brian Fuentes - Waive Hiroki Kuroda

- BID 2.50 on Jarrod "Pass me the" Saltalamacchia - WAIVE John Buck "off"

(7) Rod Soccer Lockers

- Bid 0.80 Ryan Dempster - - Reserve Jake Westbrook

(8) Kings

Bid 1.00 on Greg Smith – Waive Mike Pelfrey

(9) Runs

- Activate J.J. Putz – Waive Livan Hernandez

- Bid 0.80 on Jeff Suppan – Waive Manny Corpas

- Bid 0.70 on Clint Barmes – Waive Randy Winn "State"

Wow - Lots o' Moves and Lots o' Cash already spent out of all of our Free Agent Budgets (except for Duke who hasn't spent a dime yet). So - how much cash do we all have left? Here you go.

(2) LITERACOLAS - $12.50 (YIKES!)

(3) ROD LOCKERS - $17.00

(4) MEGALOMANIACS - $19.50

(5) KINGS OF NY - $18.50

(6) 4 PETERS - 17.20

(7) WHEELS N' DEALS - 17.50


(9) D.B. PUTZ - $17.40

(10) AMAZINS - $20.00 (ROLLING IN IT!)

(11) JUICERS - $14.50

(12) THE RUNS - $17.50

(13) HOBOKEN PIONEERS - $19.00

(14) MASTERBATS - $18.50