Thursday, April 17, 2008


Well well well. We are finally here. Despite every attempt by CBS Sportsline to give me the SHAFT! - the site is finally up and running. I'll get into CBS very soon in my next blog. For now - let's just get started talking about the upcoming season and about the all mighty draft day.

For those new to the league and don't know me that well, I am a ridiculous movie buff. If you didn't pick up on that during the draft or through emails .. well now you know. It's kind of always been my tradition to get every year kicked off by mentioning what year of the league it is - and comparing that to a sequel number of movie (Like for example - during the 2nd season hoping our season was as successful as Superman II).

Well that was ll fine and dandy during seasons 2, 3 and 4. Last season was tough enough coming up with a decent 5. But now - here we are in our 6th season (6 -wow- where has the time gone.!) Most movies that have a 6 tied to them are (A) Really shitty horror movie (B) Some endless direct to video sequel that was made for 5 bucks or (C) Porn. And nothing personal, but I don't want to hope our upcoming season is like getting sweaty and naked. I mean as it is, we all sat way too close to each other at the draft. Ohhhh! So it looks like our options are limited. I'm narrowing it down to 2 - Star Trek VI - which was a pretty good flick, despite the fact that Kirk was really old and his toupee was all over the place.
Ahh what are ya gonna do...Shatner still rules. Our other option is a little bit of a cheat - Episode IV of the Star Wars series - Return of the Jedi. Despite those freakin' little Ewoks - a Star Wars movie is kinda like pizza or sex. Even when it's bad - it's still better than anything else you had going on that day. So any way, let's make this official

Here's hoping our season is like
Star Trek IV: The Undiscovered Country ....

Or Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

and not Leonard Part VI !!! OHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anybody ever catch that piece of shit on HBO during the late 80's? I can't believe the Cos agreed to do this movie. I think he was smoking some hash-sheesh the day they delivered that script to his door. Poor guy! I mean there isn't even a Part I through V. WTF??? Oh wait ... that's part of the joke see ... 'cause it's supposed to seem like he's had adventures before even though he zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
Sorry ... much like when it was on TV, I dozed off in the middle.

Anyway, like always Draft day was awesome. It's always the most fun part of doing this league. Like always, there were many memorable moments and quotes that come to mind. Here are a few.

(1) "McClouth....Wasn't he killed in 'Highlander'?"

(2) (Bid of 20 cents finally comes out) Duke: "Oh thank god...I hate that Bastard"

(3) Bobby K nominates a player then gets up and hits the can.

(4) "Perhaps the greatest catcher left who hits lefthanders in the daytimes on Tuesdays"

(5) (Alan mentions how a player's name is similar to something during the Nazi Regime) "Alan...you know the object here is to drive the price of players up...Nice to bring down the whole table...Booooo!"

(6) "Cueto....Wasn't that the guy on the stomach from 'Total Recall'?"

(7) Alan: "Anyone want a Corona....CORONA"
Mike (on the phone): "40 cents"

(8) John Marshall: "You can have him"
Bobby K: "Just wait until you try to bid on your catcher"

(9) 5 minutes later...
John Marshall: Ramon Hernandez Hernandez...10 cents
Bobby K: 20 cents
John Marshall: (laughs) He's yours...that's not the guy I wanted
Bobby K:.........Fuck!

Now those were all fine and good. But I do think the joke of the day was one that kept getting extra mileage as the day went on. And it was supplied, thanks in part to
Mr. Chris Candella. You see Chris decided to bring all of his notes for the draft in this nifty little journal like book. About an hour or so in I noticed it and said "What the hell did you bring..a diary?". From there the jokes started to fly about how Chris was using it the diary as he slowly lost his mind, while trapped in the woods and figuring out who to draft. Things like...

Day 27: ..... Soooo cold..... why did I pay 8 Bucks for Beltran

At one point Chris looked over at me with this look of disdain and said "Charles...this is going to be your ongoing joke for the entire year". To which I replied - of course. Would you guys expect anything less from the old Commish. I can neither confirm nor deny that this won't be the last time this pops up on the blog....just sayin.. Well that's it for right now. I'm hoping to actually bang out a few more blogs tonight. I have so much material in mind including listing all the moves, as I will on here every week, Tales of the Katz's - how they made the quickest trade in league history, and my first Top 5 list - which will be the Top 5 Computer Guys I'd like to hire to help me with the CBS site. Keep checking here for more fun! I'm out like guy who plays George on Grey's Anatomy!!!!!!

1 comment:

Mike Rosenblum said...

I think it is necessary that we include one other potential candidate for our hacker position.

Lady and gentlemen I present to you.....


Pros: He found out the star of the Radioactive Man movie in exactly 7 minutes. And this was before the internet was the internet. He would also have hilarious quips concerning the idiocy of the CBS website.

Cons: Smart-ass remarks made in our general direction to make up for his own low self-esteem. General bad smell from eating too many tacos and not really showering enough. And finally....he's a cartoon.

Overall grade: A-